Our mission is to serve the community.
As an open and affirming church, we welcome people of all faiths, and of no faith;
whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you–and your event–are welcome here.

Our church is located seven miles north of the center of Putney and six miles south of the center of Saxtons River, in the middle of the quaint and quiet village of Westminster West. (There’s a map here.)
The building has an open sanctuary space upstairs; a community hall, kitchen, and bathroom downstairs; and terraced seating outside, on the slope that runs down from the church to the heart of our tiny village.

The sanctuary space is suitable for weddings, funerals, concerts, dances, and other large gatherings. The space has a wood floor, a high ceiling, and many windows. In the sanctuary are both a tracker organ and a Krakauer grand piano. The acoustics are wonderful.
There is a raised area at one end that we use as the altar on Sundays, but also as the bar for our Cabin Fever Dinner. Instead of pews, there are 75 comfortable upholstered chairs you can quickly and easily rearrange to suit your needs (or stack along the sides of the room). Additional folding chairs are also available.
The stairs are steep but broad, and an elevator in the community hall provides access to the sanctuary for anyone who is not feeling up to the stairs.

The community hall downstairs is suitable for receptions, workshops, meetings and large gatherings. There are 10 long tables that can seat 80 to 100.
The kitchen is fully equipped and the bathroom is handicapped-accessible. Tableware is available but linens are not provided.

Rates for the Sanctuary
Weddings, funerals, and other events cost $150 for approximately 4 hours. (Concerts cost $150 or 10% of the door, whichever is less, for approximately 4 hours.) Rehearsal time costs an additional $15 an hour.
Rates for the Downstairs Spaces
The community room costs $75 for approximately 4 hours. The kitchen costs an additional $75 for approximately 4 hours. Additional hours cost $15 each.
Custodial Fee for all Rentals
You must pay a custodial fee of $60 in advance, but if you leave the space clean and neat, we will cheerfully refund the fee.

For more information, or to reserve a space, please contact Tom Griffith at:
In an emergency, you may call him at (802) 387-5694, but please try email first.
Tom will send you the application form and guidelines for use of the church’s spaces when you make your booking; be sure to send in your deposit as soon as possible so we can hold the space for you.