Saturday, March 8th
at 5:30 pm

The 20th [?] Nearly Annual CABIN FEVER Dinner

will be another opportunity to share good food, good company, and some great stories. Come prepared to tell one yourself, or just sit back and enjoy everyone else’s! The dinner is served upstairs in the sanctuary of the church (and if the stairs look daunting, there is an elevator). We hope the stories will flow as they have before, and we are looking forward to hearing Tom Griffith’s barred owl howl.

☙ Sharon Boccelli, formerly of Boccelli’s on the Canal is offering a mouth-watering Italian spread! ❧
and here’s the menu:

  • Vegetarian minestrone soup and a vegetable antipasto
  • Chicken brasciolitini with slow-cooked red sauce (vegetarian or with meatballs) and pasta (gluten-free or not)
  • Desserts TBD

☙ Adults: a sliding scale from $25 to $35; kids 4 and up: $10 (kids under 4 eat for free) ❧
Wine for sale by the glass
Call (802) 387-5694 if you have questions or would like to
volunteer setting up, serving, or cleaning up!

Seating is limited, so come early
to make sure you get a seat.

The Cabin Fever Dinner and the West West Community Fair are our two big fundraisers for the year. You get to have fun, eat good food, and help support the life and the work of the congregation–all at the same time!