Holy Week Reminders

Holy Week Reminders

Hello, dear church family,

Reminder: tonight is Maundy Thursday, on which we hold our annual Tenebrae service. The service begins at 7 p.m. and lasts about an hour. For those of you who like to know these things, I’ll remind you that the word “Maundy” shares a root with our word “mandate,” and the day is called this because we are reminded of Jesus’ commandment (mandate): “This is my commandment: that you love one another, that your joy may be full.” “Tenebrae” means “shadows,” and in this service we delve a bit into the shadow side of humanity, and God’s tremendous response of love. It’s a lovely service, and I hope you’ll come.
Second reminder: on Easter Sunday, it’s our tradition to decorate the sanctuary with flowers YOU bring – usually a combination of Easter lillies, other white flowers, and colorful Spring bulbs (tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, whatever), potted or cut. Obviously, the resurrection will happen whether we bring flowers or not, but it sure makes the place look festive when we bring them! I invite you to bring them in honor or in memory of people you love; if you send me the names you want listed in the Easter bulletin, I’ll see to it that it happens. Easter sunrise service is on Milenkovitch Road (at the top of the dead end) at 6 am. Breakfast is at church at about 8:30. Worship in the sanctuary begins at 10 as usual.
(Good Friday service is being held at Guilford Community Church again this year – 12-3, in which the “Seven Last Words” of Christ will be interpreted in sermon, prayer, singing, and silence. I think my particular sermon is at about 1. You’re invited to come to as much of the service as you’re able, with no obligation to stay for the whole thing if that’s not possible.)
That’s all, my dear people. I hope to see you at our services, and I hope you experience the joy and hope of resurrection life.
In faith,