Our church and our denomination
The Vermont Conference of the United Church of Christ
The umbrella organization of all Vermont’s UCC churches
United Church of Christ
The denomination’s national body
Church World Service
The service arm of seventeen denominations, including the UCC
Charter for Compassion
A website building on the work of Karen Armstrong
Light a Virtual Candle
A website building on the work of Brother David Steindl-Rast
Living Earth Action Group
A local group focused on the created earth
Our Place Drop-In Center‘s Facebook page
The food shelf and kitchen we support with a monthly offering

Muses in the interim
Musical (and other) offerings from the congregation: spreading the love in a time of quarantine

Music made at West West
Recordings made at services: a hit and miss selection
Music from many centuries
Music to soothe your soul, music to make you weep (mostly choral)
“In thought, word, and deed“
Here are the words and deeds of Christian activists, writers, and poets (men and women of our time, but also of many other times, men and women who can still speak to us today, if we have “ears to hear.”)

Our pastor recommends
Lent Madness is an annual Lenten delight in which followers are invited to learn about saints (often lesser-known ones) and “vote” on them in a fun smack-down that I always find oddly moving. (It’s based on the idea that March Madness isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.)
Center for Action and Contemplation invites visitors into greater understanding of contemplative Christianity. I especially encourage folks to check out Father Richard Rohr’s daily reflection, which can be received in email form. (Fr. Rohr is Franciscan brother, and a prolific author. His books and lectures are also wonderful.
My Journey with Jesus includes essays on the Revised Common Lectionary readings, as well as reflections on books, films, music, and art … and a weekly offering of really excellent poetry.
At the Edge of Enclosure is the work of Suzanne Guthrie, who pulls together thoughtful pieces to prompt reflections on scripture readings.
The Painted Prayer Book is the work of artist and poet Jan Richardson.

Our deacons recommend
Portraits in Faith documents the role of spiritual experience inside and outside of formal religion, expected and unexpected, told in people’s own words, and brought to life with video and photography.
The Reflectionary of the Abbey of HOPE offers weekly inspiration for and by its members. The Abbey of Hope is an interfaith community and cooperative gathering of people from a wide variety of spiritual and religious perspectives, seeking to encourage interfaith understanding through shared experience and fellowship.
In the Body Prayer of Julian of Norwich, you take a few minutes to let your heart and mind’s attention sink deeper into your body, with four simple words and postures:
- AWAIT (hands at waist, cupped up to receive)
- ALLOW (reach up, hands open)
- ACCEPT (hands at heart, cupped towards body)
- ATTEND (hands outstretched, ready to be responsive)

Our trustees recommend

Our members recommend
Catherine suggests that we listen to Bobby McFerrin and the Ku’umba Singers: “Hold on!“
Alice asks you that you consider this story of a state bank’s ability to help in a crisis
Charlotte offers this Pentecost reflection from the Abbey of Hope

Church in a wider sense
The BBC podcast “Heart and Soul” offers personal approaches to spirituality from around the world
Krista Tippett’s On Being asks what it means to be human? how we want to live? and who will we be to each other? Each episode is a glimpse of the immensity of life. To listen to the show’s podcasts, click here.
This I Believe, NPR, 2005-2009 engaged listeners in a discussion of the core beliefs that guide their daily lives. We heard from people of all walks of life —young and old, famous and unknown. Audio from all those shows is here.
This I Believe (CBS, 1951-55) was a five-minute CBS Radio program hosted by Edward R. Murrow. Both famous and everyday people were asked to write short essays about their own faith, stressing individual belief rather than religious dogma. YouTubes of various people’s responses are available here, here, and here.