All our recorded services and prayer times may also be found on our Facebook page
Please let us know if the clerk has fallen behind again on posting recordings here,
or if you have issues with any of the links below…
The current WHISTLER is here
Older issues may be found here

Thursday prayer time: April 4th
The live stream of the Easter service is here
The Maundy Thursday Tenebrae service is here
Thursday prayer time: March 28th
The live stream of the Palm Sunday service is here
The clerk apologizes for the long hiatus in posting service recordings…

The live stream of the June 11th service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: June 8th
The live stream of the June 4th service will be found here
The live stream of the Pentecost service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: May 25th
The live stream of the May 21st service will be found here
The live stream of the May 14th service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: May 11th
The live stream of the May 7th service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: May 4th
The live stream of the April 30th service will be found here
The live stream of the April 23rd service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: April 20th
The live stream of the April 16th service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: April 13th
The live stream of the Easter service did not succeed
Thursday prayer time: April 6th
The live stream of the April 2nd service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: Marth 30th
The live stream of the March 26th service will be found here
There was no live stream of the March 19th service
Thursday prayer time: March 16th
The live stream of the March 12th service will be found here
The live stream of the March 5th service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: March 2nd
The live stream of the February 26th service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: February 23rd
The live stream of the February 19th service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: February 16th
The live stream of the February 12th service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: February 9th
The live stream of the February 5th service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: February 2nd
The live stream of the January 29th Sunday service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: January 26th
The live stream of the January 22nd Sunday service will be found here
The live stream of the January 15th Sunday service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: January 12th
The live stream of the January 8th Sunday service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: January 5th
The live stream of the January 1st Sunday service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: December 29th

The live stream of the September 18th Sunday service will be found here (once it’s streamed)
Thursday prayer time a little early: September 15th
The live stream of the September 11th After-Fair Hymn Sing service will be found here
Thursday prayer time: September 8th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, September 4th will be found here and here
Thursday prayer time: September 1st
The live stream of the service on Sunday, August 28th will be found here
Quick Thursday prayers: August 25th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, August 21st will be found here
Thursday prayer time, a little behind schedule: August 18th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, August 14th will be found here
Thursday prayer time: August 11th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, August 7th was interrupted and will be found here and here
The live stream of the service on Sunday, July 31st failed
The live stream of the service on Sunday, July 24th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: July 21st
The live stream of the service on Sunday, July 17th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: July 14th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, July 10th will be found here
The live stream of the service on Sunday, July 3rd was interrupted, but will be found here, here, and here
Thursday prayer time: June 30th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, June 26th will be found here
Thursday prayer time: June 23rd
The live stream of the service on Sunday, June 19th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: June 16th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, June 12th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: June 9th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, June 5th may be found here
Thursday prayer time on Friday: June 2nd
The live stream of the service on Sunday, May 29th may be found here
The live stream of the service on Sunday, May 22nd may be found here
Thursday prayer time: May 19th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, May 15th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: May 12th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, May 8th may be found here
Thursday prayer time on Friday: May 6th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, May 1st may be found here
Thursday prayer time: April 28th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, April 24th may be found here
The live stream of the Easter service on Sunday, April 17th will be found here
The live stream of the Maundy Thursday service on Thursday, April 10th may be found here
The live stream of the Palm Sunday service on Sunday, April 10th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: April 7th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, April 3rd may be found here
Thursday prayer time: March 31st
The live stream of the service on Sunday, March 27th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: March 24th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, March 20th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: March 17th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, March 13th may be found here
The live stream of the service on Sunday, March 6th may be found here
The live stream of the service on Sunday, February 27th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: February 24th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, February 20th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: February 17th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, February 13th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: February 10th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, February 6th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: February 3rd
The live stream of the service on Sunday, January 30th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: January 27th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, January 23rd may be found here
Thursday prayer time: January 20th
The live stream of the service on Sunday, January 16th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: January 14, 2022 (“a day late…”)
The live stream of the service on Sunday, January 9th may be found here
Thursday prayer time: January 6, 2022
The live stream of the service on Sunday, January 2nd may be found here
Thursday prayer time: December 30, 2021
Thursday prayer time: December 23, 2021
The live stream of the candlelight and carols service on Sunday, December 19th can be found here
Thursday prayer time: December 16, 2021
The live stream of the service on Sunday, December 12th can be found here
Thursday prayer time: December 9, 2021
The live stream of the service on Sunday, December 5th can be found here
Thursday prayer time: December 2, 2021
The live stream of the service on Sunday, November 28th can be found here
Thursday prayer time: November 25, 2021
Thursday prayer time: November 18, 2021
Thursday prayer time: November 11, 2021
Thursday prayer time: November 18, 2021
Thursday prayer time: November 4, 2021
Thursday prayer time: October 28, 2021
Thursday prayer time: October 21, 2021
Thursday prayer time: October 14, 2021
Thursday prayer time: October 7, 2021
Thursday prayer time: September 23, 2021
The live stream of the service on Sunday, September 18th can be found here

Thursday prayer time: July 29, 2021
Thursday prayer time: July 15, 2021
Thursday prayer time: July 1, 2021
Thursday prayer time: June 24, 2021
The live stream of the service on Sunday, June 20th can be found here
Sunday, June 13th: Adrienne Major preached on Psalm 13
Prelude: “Psalm 13”
Offertory: “How Shall I Come Before the Lord?” (D.B. McIntyre, Traditional)
NCH#394, “In Christ there is no East or West” (John Oxenham, Harry T. Burleigh: McKee)
PH#391, “Be Thou My Vision” (Traditional: Slane)
NCH#474, “I’m So Glad!” (African-American spiritual)
Fred Gray, keyboard and guitar
Thursday prayer time: June 10, 2021
Sunday, June 6th: you can listen to the readings and Susie’s sermon here
Prelude: “Here is Love” (Robert Lowry, arr: Sharon Wilson)
Hymn: NCH#18, “Guide Me, O My Great Redeemer” (William Williams/John Hughes: Cwm Rhonda)
Postlude: “Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal” (arr: Alice Parker)
Eric Robinson, piano and vocals
Thursday prayer time: June 3, 2021
Sunday, May 30th: you can listen to the reading and Charlotte Gifford’s sermon here
Prelude: “Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier” (J.S. Bach)
Hymn: “I Shall Not Be Moved” (African-American spiritual)
Postlude: “A la Nanita Nana” (traditional Spanish lullaby)
Fred Gray, organ, guitar and vocals
Thursday prayer time: May 27, 2021
Sunday, May 23rd: you can listen to the readings and Susie Webster-Toleno’s sermon here
Prelude: “Every Time I Feel the Spirit” (African-American spiritual, arr: John Carter)
Hymn: NCH#267, “Come, O Spirit, Dwell Among Us” (Janie Alford/Ebenezer: T.J. Williams)
Postlude: “Tell the World” (Gary Ault)
Eric Robinson, piano, guitar, and vocals
Thursday prayer time: May 20, 2021
Sunday, May 16th: you can listen to the last part of Pia Rabin’s sermon here
Prelude: “By the Mark” (Gillian Welch)
Hymn: PH#227, “Fairest Lord Jesus” (Traditional/St. Elizabeth)
Postlude: Golden Embers” (Andrew Marlin)
Fred Gray, guitar and vocals
Thursday prayer time: May 13, 2021
Mary Oliver’s poem is here
Sunday, May 9th: you can listen to the readings and David Mulholland’s sermon here
Prelude: “The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” John Bacchus Dykes: Dominus Regit Me
Hymn: “The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” H.W. Baker: St. Columba
Postlude: “Blessed Assurance,” Phoebe Palmer Knapp (arr. Mark Hayes)
Eric Robinson, piano and vocals
Thursday prayer time: May 6, 2021
Sunday, May 2nd: you can listen to the readings and Karen Blanchard’s sermon here
Prelude: “Aus Liebe Will Mein Heiland Sterben,” J.S. Bach
Hymn: NCH#278, “Come Teach Us, Spirit of God,” Shirley Erena Murray/Arthur G. Clyde: Murray
Postlude: “Gwahoddiad,” Lewis Hartsough
Fred Gray, organ, guitar, and vocals
Sunday, April 25th: you can listen to the readings and to Lee Crocker’s sermon here
Prelude: “Gather Us In” (Marty Haugen)
Hymn: NCH#293, “Sweet, Sweet Spirit“
Postlude: “Just Like You and Me” (Pat Hobden)
Eric Robinson, piano and vocals
Thursday prayer time: April 22, 2021
Sunday, April 18th: you can listen to the readings and to Adrienne Major’s sermon here
Prelude: Mercedes Sosa, “Todo Cambia“
Hymns: Pilgrim#193, “Thine is the Glory“
Postlude: “Chorale” and “Invention” (Evert-Jan van Laar)
Fred Gray, organ and guitar
Thursday prayer time: April 15, 2021
Sunday, April 11th: you can listen to the readings and to Susie’s sermon here
Prelude: “The Long and Winding Road” (John Lennon/Paul McCartney)
Hymn: NCH#64, “Fire of God, Undying Flame” (Albert F. Bayly/Johann Walter: Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland)
Postlude: “Every Morning is Easter Morning” (Donald Marsh/Richard Avery)
Eric Robinson, piano
Thursday prayer time: April 8, 2021
Easter Sunday, April 4th: you can listen to the readings and to Susie’s sermon here
Prelude: J.S. Bach, “Little Prelude Fugue in F,” BWV 556
Hymns: “Christ the Lord is Ris’n Today,” NCH230 “Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain,” NCH573 “Lead On, Eternal Sovereign“
Postlude: J.:. Bach, “Unbezeichnetes Stueck in F“
Fred Gray, organ and guitar
Sunday, March 28th: you can listen to the readings and to Jeanne Zammataro’s sermon here
Prelude: “Trumpet Tune” (Henry Purcell)
Hymn: “All Glory, Laud, and Honor” (Theodulf of Orleans, tr: J. M. Neale/Melchior Teschner: Valet will ich Dir geben)
Fred Gray, organ
Postlude: “Siyahamba” (Traditional Zulu hymn, sung by the Plainview-Old Bethpage High School choirs, Adam Paltrowitz, 2017)
Sunday, March 21st: you can listen to the readings and Susie’s sermon here
Prelude: “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” (Helen Lemmel, arr: J.M. Stevens)
Hymn: NCH#207, “Just As I Am” (Charlotte Elliott (alt.)/William B. Bradbury: WOODWORTH)
Postlude: “A Lenten Lesson” (Jean Anne Shafferman)
Eric Robinson, piano
Sunday, March 14th: you can listen to the readings and Sharon Easterling’s sermon here
Prelude: “Prelude in E minor,” Opus 39 #5 (Alexandre Guilmant)
Hymn: NCH #247, “My Shepherd Is The Living God” (Isaac Watts (alt)/CONSOLATION, Southern Harmony)
Postlude: “Take Up Your Cross” (CharlesWEverest/BOURBON)
Fred Gray, organ and guitar
Sunday, March 7th: you can listen to the readings and David Mulholland’s sermon here
Prelude: “The Prodigal Son” (traditional)
Hymn: NCH#434 “All Beautiful the March of Days” (Frances Wile (alt), Ralph Vaughan Williams)
Postlude: “Sheep May Safely Graze” (J.S. Bach), Amanda Robinson Cramer, flute
Eric Robinson, piano
Sunday, February 28th: you can listen to the readings and Guy Payne’s sermon here
Prelude: “Fragile,” in memory of half a million dead (Gordon Sumner)
Hymn: NCH #488, “Be Still, My Soul” (Katharina von Schlegel/Borthwick, Jan Sibelius)
Postlude: “Caledonia,” (Dougie MacLean)
Fred Gray, organ and guitar
Sunday, February 21st: you can listen to the readings and Susie’s sermon here
Prelude: “Less of Me” (Glen Campbell)
Hymn: NCH #211, “Lord Jesus, Who Through Forty Days” (Claudia Hernaman, ST FLAVIAN)
Postlude: “Sonata” (Domenico Cimarosa)
Eric Robinson, piano
Sunday, February 14th: you can listen to the readings and Cheryl Charles’s sermon here
Prelude: “Cold and Raw,” or “Lookin’ fer luv in all the wrong places, in the 16th century” (Traditional)
Hymn: “Rhymes and Reasons” (John Denver)
Postlude: Interlude from Cavalleria Rusticana (Pietro Mascagni)
Fred Gray, piano and guitar
Sunday, February 7th: you can listen to the readings and Susie’s astonishing sermon here
Prelude: “Prayer of St. Francis” (Valerie Lorimer, Amanda Robinson Cramer, flute and vocals)
Hymn: NCH #554, “Out of the Depths” (Duck/Batastini)
Postlude: “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks” (arr. Stevens)
Eric Robinson, piano
Sunday, January 31st: you can listen to the readings and Ray Huessy’s sermon here
Prelude: “Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten” (J.S. Bach)
Hymn: “We Are the Fig Tree” (rh/Sacred Harp: “Distress,” arr. McNair)
Postlude: “Todos los días un poco” (León Gieco/Luís Gurevich)
Fred Gray, organ and guitar
Sunday, January 24th: you can listen to the readings and Jenny Holan’s sermon here
Prelude: “Allein Gott in der Höh’ sei Ehr” (F.W. Zachow)
Hymn: NCH #173, “You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore” (Gabarain-Marshall/Gabarain)
Postlude: “Like You Used To” (Andrew Marlin)
Fred Gray, organ and guitar
Sunday, January 17th: you can listen to the readings and David Mulholland’s sermon here
Prelude: “Freedom is Coming“
Hymn: NCH#436, “God of Grace and God of Glory“
Postlude: “This Little Light of Mine”
Eric Robinson, piano
Sunday, January 10th: you can listen to the readings and Susie’s Epiphany sermon here
Prelude: “O Solitaris Hostia” (Alexandre Guilmant)
Hymn: NCH #50: “I Sing the Praise of Love Almighty” (Tersteegen-Marshall/Bortniansky)
Postlude: “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” (St. Patrick/Traditional)
Fred Gray, organ and guitar
Sunday December 20th: you can listen to the readings and Sue Venman’s sermon here
Sunday, December 13th: you can listen to the readings and Karen Blanchard’s sermon here
Prelude: “Prepare The Way, O Zion” (Franzen/Swenska Psalmboken)
Hymn: “Joy to the World” (Watts/Mason)
Postlude: “Lo, He Comes in Clouds Descending” (Wesley/Olivers)
Fred Gray, organ and guitar
Sunday, December 6th: you can listen to the readings and Susie’s sermon here
November 22nd: you can listen to the readings here and Susie’s sermon here
Thursday prayer time: November 19, 2020
Thursday prayer time: November 12, 2020
Sunday, October 25th: you can listen to most of the reading and Adrienne Major’s sermon here
Eric Robinson, piano
Prelude: “Would You Harbor Me?” (Ysaye M. Barnwell)
Hymn: “God, Creation’s Great Designer,” NCH #371 (Jane Parker Huber, J.T. Morrow)
Postlude: “Melody in F” (Anton Rubinstein)
Sunday, October 18th: you can listen to the readings and Pia Rabin’s sermon here
Prelude: “Improvisation” (Pia Rabin)
Hymn: “Worthy is the Lamb That Was Slain” (Rabin-Gris-Shindell)
Fred Gray, guitar
Sunday, October 11th: you can listen to Susie’s reflection here
Prelude: “Cradle Song“
Hymn: NCH 434, “All Beautiful the March of Days” (Frances W. Wile, FOREST GREEN/Vaughan-Williams)
Postlude: “Heroic Theme“
Eric Robinson, piano
Sunday, October 4th: you can listen to the readings and Susie’s reflection here
Prelude: Psalm 130, “De Profundis” (Claude Gaudimel)
Hymn: “In Egypt Under Pharaoh,” NCH #574
Fred Gray, organ
Sunday, September 27th: you can listen to the readings and Sue Venman’s sermon here
Prelude: “Wayfaring Stranger“
Hymn: “O God, As With a Potter’s Hand,” NCH #550
Eric Robinson, piano
Sunday, September 20th: you can listen to the readings and Susie’s reflection here
Hymn: “God of Abraham and Sarah” (James Gertmenian, NCH #20)
Postlude: “We Walk by Faith” (Henry Alford/”St. Botolph,” Episcopal Hymnal 1982, #209)
Fred Gray, organ
Sunday, September 13th: you can listen to the readings and Susie’s reflection here
Sunday, September 6th: you can listen to the readings and David Mulholland’s sermon here
You can listen to the readings and Karen Blanchard’s sermon from August 30th here
You can listen to the readings and Ray Huessy’s sermon from August 23rd here (live, but partly garbled)
or here (not garbled, but also not live)
Hymn: “Forgive Us Our Sins as We Forgive” (Rosamond Herklots, “Detroit,” Southern Harmony)
Postlude: “Trumpet Tune” (Henry Purcell)
Fred Gray, organ
Thursday prayer time: August 20, 2020
You can listen to Susie’s sermon from August 16th here
“Deep River“
“Song of the Soul“
“Ye Banks and Braes“
Eric Robinson, piano
From the August 9th service:
Hymn: “Brethren, We Have Met to Worship” (with Eben Dodd, mandolin, from January 26, 2020)
Postlude: “Wanderer Without a Song” (Louis C. Singer, Duke Ellington, Irving Gordon, Juan Tizol)
Fred Gray, piano
Thursday prayer time: August 13, 2020
Thursday prayer time: August 6, 2020
You can listen to Susie’s sermon from August 2nd here
Thursday prayer time on Friday: July 31, 2020
Barack Obama’s eulogy of John Lewis is here (you can watch the whole funeral service here)
You can listen to Susie’s sermon from July 26th here
“Prelude” (Charles Gounod)
Hymn of Confession: “Si fui motivo de dolor/If I have been the cause of pain” (C.M. Battersby/Pablo Sosa)
Hymn: “O God of Earth and Altar” (G.K. Chesterton-J.P. Huber/R.V. Williams)
Postlude: “Silver Dagger“
Fred Gray, organ and guitar
Thursday prayer time: July 23, 2020
Susie recommmends this article on John Lewis and forgiveness
Thursday prayer time: July 16, 2020
You can listen to Susie’s sermon from July 12th here
Prelude: “Lagrimas Negras” (Miguel Matamoros)
Hymn: NCH #21, “God Reigns O’er All the Earth” (Jane Parker Huber/Franklin Sheppard)
Fred Gray, organ and guitar
Thursday prayer time: July 9, 2020
Thursday prayer time: July 2, 2020
Here is the summer issue of the West Parish Whistler.
You can listen to Adrienne Major’s sermon from June 14th here
Thursday prayer time: June 4, 2020
From the June 7th service:
Prelude: “A Change is Gonna Come” (Sam Cooke)
A Spanish Gloria
Hymn: NCH #593, “Lift Every Voice and Sing” (James Weldon Johnson/John Rosamond Johnson)
Susie explains her Sabbath Mondays here
Susie offers an anarchist Quaker’s prayer to soothe anxiety
From the May 31st Pentecost service:
Prelude: “Lament for Those We Have Lost,” BWV 555
Hymn: NCH #267, “Come O Spirit, Dwell Among Us” (Janie Alford (alt)/”Ebenezer”)
Postlude: “I Heard the Voice of Jesus” (Horace Bonar/”Kingsfold”)
Fred Gray, organ and guitar
Susie ties an unbreakable knot of her own in her sermon from May 17th, 2020 here
Hymn: “Great Is Your Faithfulness“
Fred Gray, guitar
Thursday prayer time: May 14, 2020
You can listen to David Mulholland’s prayer of confession and sermon from May 10th here
Hymn: “They Will Know We Are Christians“
Postlude: “Consolation“
Eric Robinson, piano
Thursday prayer time: May 7, 2020
Susie reflects on her brief retreat, with a prayer by Teilhard de Chardin: May 4, 2020
You can listen to Susie’s sermon from May 3, 2020 here
Prelude: “Tu Has Venido a la Orilla“
Hymn: “Jesus Calls Us”
Choir Anthem: “The New Jerusalem” (video here)
Fred Gray, guitar
Thursday prayer time: April 30, 2020
Susie on Sabbath: April 27, 2020
Thursday prayer time: April 23, 2020
A Taize service posted April 21, 2020
Seven minutes with Susie on April 20th
Thursday prayer time: April 16, 2020
Early Easter morning, a service from the Iona Community
Rachel Hackenberg’s blog post “Sufficient“
Susie’s choice for this Easter Eve: Kelly Joe Phelps, “Roll Away the Stone“
This year’s Brattleboro Area Ecumenical Good Friday Service is here
(Susie’s sermon, the last one of the series, is here)
The music from the Maundy Thursday service is here
Susie revisits the sanctuary in West West for the Maundy Thursday service: April 9, 2020
“Liebster Jesu,” J.S. Bach, BWV 731
“Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten,” J.S. Bach, BWV 691
“De Profundis” (Psalm 130)
“Precious Lord“
“Ah, Holy Jesus“
“O Sacred Head, Now Wounded“
Fred Gray, organ and guitar
Susie introduces Holy Week from her back yard: April 6, 2020
Susie’s powerful Palm Sunday sermon can be read here or listened to here
(Sara Miles’ piece from “Journey with Jesus” is here)
Thursday prayer time: April 2, 2020
Office hours: March 30, 2020
Adrienne’s sermon from March 29th is here
Thursday prayer time: March 26, 2020
A reflection on Sunday, March 15th and a West Brattleboro sermon
An alternative suggestion for timing handwashing from Susie
Malcolm Toleno, from the August 18, 2019 service:
Prelude: “There Will Be Rest,” by Frank Tichelli (reduction of a setting of a Sarah Teasdale poem)
Offertory: “I Remember Clifford,” by Benny Colson
Postlude: “Little Waltz,” by Ron Carter